YYC Feature: Flora Fromage

Janice Buckingham’s plant-based cheese products are the perfect ‘handcrafted indulgence’


She started Flora Fromage to offer cheese lovers a healthy, local, vegan option, and has successfully shaped her brand into delicious, artisanal perfection. Janice Buckingham’s plant-based cheese is ‘grown from the earth’ and fermented right here in Calgary! Smokey Jalapeno. Truffle Black Pepper. Cranberry Sage. Flora Fromage’s flavours are sure to leave you drooling— it’s ethical consumption that hits the spot every-time. (Also, if you’re looking for a unique, fun quarantine activity, try making your own cheese with their vegan cheese making kits!) Through Flora Fromage, Buckingham gives back to our community in a way that’s both generous and personal—every month she picks at least one recipient, and delivers free plant based meals to them and their family. But she spreads positivity in more ways than one. As a business women with a platform, she speaks out and shares content that empowers other women, as well as advocates for social change. Values and actions aligned, Buckingham is an inspiration to fellow female entrepreneurs looking to become ethical business leaders. Flora Fromage is beautiful case study in how to build a company centred around eco-minded morals, community and connection!

First, congrats on all your success! Your cheese is plant based! What factors have influenced your decision to produce a vegan product?

“I knew I wanted to create a product with a small footprint that checked off a lot of dietary boxes so it would be something many people can enjoy. There is an abundance of dairy based cheeses to choose from at the grocery store but very few dairy free options that actually taste delicious. A lot of people, myself included, are seeking out more plant based alternatives for their favorite foods and cheese is one of the hardest yet most desired products to reinvent. Our cheese is dairy free, soy free, and gluten free making it more accessible to those with allergies or those looking to minimize their animal product consumption. I'm not vegan but putting a product out in the world that is, is important to me because that's the direction I believe the world is going and I want to do my part in making a more sustainable, healthy, and ethical buying option.”

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Flora Fromage gives back by delivering plant-based meals to those in need! Can you tell us a bit more about your awesome initiative Fed by Flora? What inspired you to start this give back program?

“Whenever a friend of mine has a new baby or is going through a tough time for any reason, I like to cook them an array of nourishing plant based meals to help take some burden off their plate. It's naturally the first thing I think of to help and it brings me a sense of pride to feed people, especially mamas! So I decided to officially establish Fed by Flora as an extension of our brand where people can nominate themselves or someone in need to receive healthy + tasty meals free of charge. I believe everyone has something to give and for me, that's the joy of food.”


You have ‘make-cheese at home’ kits, a great activity for people who want to try something new! For people who are curious, what kind of effort and time goes into making cheese from your own house?

“Our cheese kits are incredibly simple yet fun! We supply 2 plain cheese bases (to take this long tricky process of fermentation off of you) and you get to pick your custom flavors to add in. From there you watch a quick instructional video showing how to shape, package, and design a label for the cheeses all while dancing to a curated Spotify playlist.”


“I decided if I was going to put something out in the world... a product or service... that it must be helpful rather than hurtful, or what's the point?”

 Do have tons of amazing flavours! Do you have a personal favourite? What would you say is your most popular product? 

“My personal favorite is Smokey Jalapeno and was the very first flavor I developed just out of my personal cravings! Our best sellers do fluctuate but I think Truffle Black Pepper holds the number 1 spot the most. Must love truffle! But those that do....really really do. It's a luxurious flavor combo fit for true epicureans.”


On your Instagram, you’re a big advocate for conscious consumerism, and shoppers voting with their dollars! You also seem to put heavy emphasis on climate justice— at what point in your life did you start becoming eco-minded? Was this something you were passionate about from a young age or did you have revelations later in life? 

“It wasn't until I was in my early twenties- went I started practicing yoga and meditation (also known as my spiritual awakening)- that I started to pay more attention to the impact my choices have on the world around me. Around this time I also started to take in alot of info about climate change and just how dire our situation will be if we don't make changes. I know how rough that sounds, but it's not something I sugar coat because I believe what the scientific community is telling us. I decided if I was going to put something out in the world... a product or service... that it must be helpful rather than hurtful, or what's the point? 

Of course I'm not flawless in my personal buying options because there is a lag in eco education vs change for the system as a whole, but I try my best. I'm fond of the concept: We don't need a few people practicing (zero waste, veganism, social justice) perfectly, but a million people practicing (insert cause) imperfectly.”


 What influenced your decision to become an entrepreneur? Is Flora Fromage your first business?

“It must be how I'm wired! I knew my career path needed to be autonomous, creative, and allow for me to make my own minimalist schedule. I always get ideas for businesses and love the branding process. Before Flora Fromage I freelanced as a face painter, blogger, and caterer but this is definitely my most legitimate business, without a doubt! Meaning- it's actually a functioning successful venture that profits and isn't just fun and games like some of the things I've done in the past. I'm an ideas woman that likes to dabble but this is the longest I've followed through, have learned the most, taken the most risks, and reaped the most rewards.”

In what ways do you see Flora Fromage expanding or improving over the next 5 years?

“Not only are we expanding our product line, but we are in the planning stages of opening a daytime cafe and storefront. I would love to continue building a team of diverse women to elevate our brand even further with their contributions in: marketing, finance, events, and more. Our 5 year plan also includes expanding distribution to retailers in our neighboring provinces.”


  What a valuable quote or piece of wisdom that has helped you get you where you are?

“Thinking like the woman I want to become and always tuning into my higher self to guide my choices. The woman I want to become/am becoming is a confident business woman without fear of the future, who does public speaking (a huge challenge for me honestly), has a balanced life, and knows success will follow when she's in alignment with her calling. It's a never ending process and sometimes I lose touch, but coming back to this foundation of bravery keeps things moving forward. Your future self will thank you. What's the alternative? If you don't jump off the cliff you'll never know how beautiful the water feels below. Everything is figure-outable. If they did it, so can I.”

Find her at: https://www.florafromage.com/


YYC Feature: Warrior Label
